The City of Peace: Jerusalem

The City of Peace: Jerusalem

Jerusalem is first mentioned in Middle Kingdom inscriptions from the Pharaohs' period under the name Rusalim. Jews call this city Yerushalayim, Christians call it Jerusalem, and Muslims call it Darus-salam.

In short, in all three religions, its name is the City of Peace..

One can feel at peace when they are with people whomthey can trust, with their true friends…

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But what is a true friend?

A true friend  is someone who benefit us, directs us towards production, and helps us reach a better state than yesterday. A person can have many friends in life, but true friends are rare. We can have fun, go out or go shopping with many of our friends. We can go to the theater or engage in daily conversations, but we only confide our secrets to our true friend. A true friend is someone who can temporarily suspend their interests for our own. A true friend  is someone we can trust completely. They keep their promises and stand by us not just in good times but also in bad times. They can  genuinely be happy for us when something good occurs in our lives. They smile with us and cheer for our success without envy. They are the ones who can point out our mistakes without hurting us, and who can help us improve by directing us closer to reality. Being a true friend doesn’t mean being together every minute, showering each other with insincere compliments, or talking on the phone for hours. True friendship is understanding what the other might be doing that week, without seeing each other for days. With true friendships even after a long time apart, one can pick up right where they left off. A true friend is someone with whom we have a genuine bond. They can understand our needs without us having to say anything. They know what we dislike, and are familiar with our favorite places, activities, and meals. A true friend is someone with whom we can laugh for minutes at a joke just by catching each other’s eye; sometimes we understand each other without speaking, and sometimes we talk through our problems to find solutions together. They are the ones who notice our needs even before we do.

      A true friend is someone to whom we can entrust our loved ones and our home, someone we can trust completely, both in their actions and their words.

      True friends are people with whom we can look in the same direction and produce and consume towards the same goal.

      True friends are the people with whom we share common troubles and joys.

  They are the people that we don’t compare ourselves to, we don’t set our eyes on their belongings, and don’t gossip behind their back.

     They are someone for whom we wish the same as we wish for ourselves. When everyone else leaves, they are the ones who will show up and be there.


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A true friend is someone we can feel close to even when they are far away. But does the opposite of true friendship exist?

In life, we see that everything exists with its opposite. If there is good, there is bad; if there is warmth, there is cold; if there is beauty, there is ugliness; if there is truth, there is falsity. Similarly, if there is a "true  friend " there is also an enemy.

So, what is an enemy?

An enemy is someone who harms us and takes us from a better state to a worse each day. They prioritize their own interests over ours, distance us from genuine connections, and bring us closer to falsity. They act according to their immediate gain, causing us overall loss. They are unhappy with our success. They are constantly trying to outdo us and are concerned with proving they are better than us. An enemy is someone who makes promises but does not keep them, pretends to be with us in good times, and distance themselves from us in bad times. They are unreliable, rejoice in our pain, and are envious of our possessions. They gossip behind our backs and are interested only in their own desires, not our needs. An enemy is someone who looks in a different direction from us. They are the ones who make us fall back from where we were yesterday, laugh when we cry, and cry when we laugh. An enemy is someone who cannot be trusted who causes us to waste our time.

An enemy is someone who distracts us.

Do we know who the real enemy is?

The worst kind of enemy is the one who appears to be a friend and hides their true nature. They are the ones we think that are far away but are actually very close. They pretend to be one of us while setting traps behind our backs. They say they are looking in the same direction but hide their true intentions. They are the ones who, while appearing to be our friends from the outside, actually lead us into a pit.

We know who the REAL ENEMY is!

The true enemy is not outside; it is within us. No one can harm us more than we harm ourselves. No one can oppress us more than we oppress ourselves. No one can destroy us more than we can destroy ourselves… If we are good, even if they try to harm us, they will not affect us. If we go wrong, even if people are good around us it won’t benefit us.

The Experiential Design Teaching says:

The true friend or enemy of a person is the one they see in the mirror.

Deneyimsel Tasarım Öğretisi

Like people, countries and cities have friends and enemies.

Kuddus was a city of peace and friendships, it was persecuted for years by its seemingly friendly enemies. This persecution never ended... T enemies within us remained silent against the persecution, the enemies outside increased their rampage.  They did nothing but choose sides. Many outnumbered friends prevailed over many outnumbered enemies.

Do you know? The time has come for a great TRUTH.

Because everything is a slave to time…


Experiential Design Teaching is a science of reality that shapes the future with past experiences. It teaches the methods that individuals need to solve their problems and reach their goals. 

It offers strategies to people who want to be happy and successful with the programs "Who is Who", "Mastery in Relationship" and "Success Psychology". 


“What can "one" person matter among billions of people?

Ask that “one” person for the answer!”


Yahya Hamurcu

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